Obesity Care & Treatment

Weight bias & stigma
Weight stigma can have devastating social, psychological, and physical effects for older adults living with obesity. While changing societal stigmas takes time, you can start by educating others and being your own advocate.
Advocate for Treatment Without Discrimination
Obesity is a serious chronic condition that impacts 41.5% of adults ages 60+. Yet Medicare doesn’t cover all obesity treatments, making quality care unaffordable for older adults. Congress is considering the bipartisan Treat and Reduce Obesity Act to change this. Urge your lawmakers to pass the bill.

Healthy Weight Resources Made Possible with Support from Our Partner
Your Right to Quality Obesity Care
Obesity is the most prevalent and costly chronic disease in the United States, remaining largely undiagnosed and untreated a decade after the American Medical Association classified it as a serious disease requiring comprehensive care.

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Healthy Weight Starts with Good Nutrition
Feb 28, 2024