How the Modernizing Senior Centers Resource Center Supports the Nation's Senior Centers
5 min read

The Modernizing Senior Centers Resource Center, funded by the U.S. Administration for Community Living (ACL) from Aug. 1, 2021-Aug. 31, 2024, supports the continued evolution of the nation’s senior centers.
The center's mission: Ensure senior centers have the capacity, tools, and resources to develop implement programs and services that meet the current and future needs of diverse older adults.
The resource center serves ALL senior centers, including the 2,000+ affiliates of the NCOA National Institute of Senior Centers (NISC).
The state of today's senior centers
One resource guiding the work of the Modernizing Senior Centers Resource Center: an exploration of the experiences and perspectives of senior center professionals and stakeholders. That scan of 310 people who participated in 42 focus groups found the challenges facing senior centers include:
- Population growth and changing demographics
- Ageism and stigma
- Need for new leaders
- Small and limited funding
- Unavailable impact data
- Lack of technology
The Modernizing Senior Centers Resource Center took the results as a call to:
- Collect robust information about the senior center network
- Establish modern indicators of successful senior centers
- Provide technical assistance around emerging issues (particularly technology)
- Build collaboration and partnerships
What are some Modernizing Senior Centers Resource Center accomplishments?
The Modernizing Senior Centers Resource Center has:
- Hosted 43 events for more than 8,000 people
- Sent a monthly e-newsletter to 2,000+ subscribers (with a 28% click-through rate)
- Built robust online content include a clearinghouse of 29 Programs of Excellence and monthly Senior Center Spotlights describing successes and best practices
- Continued to elevate the role and image of senior centers through such campaigns and new opportunities as National Senior Center Month and the Vaccine Uptake Initiative, among others
Check out the highlights report for an overview of the Modernizing Senior Centers Resource Center's impact as of September 2023.