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The goal of this funding opportunity is to cultivate the development and enhancement of state falls prevention coalitions’ collaborative efforts to reduce falls and/or the risk of falls among older adults and their families and caregivers.
State Falls Prevention Coalitions provide the framework, infrastructure, and guidance that can be shared with local communities collaborating to implement falls prevention interventions. These coalitions involve all members of a community who have a role to play in reducing the number of falls and falls-related injuries among older adults. The intent is a joint effort among multiple stakeholders to implement an effective, coordinated approach to preventing older adult falls.
What are the expectations of the State Falls Prevention Coalition funding opportunity?
Applicants will be asked to select one of two options for this funding opportunity:
- Option A: Develop a coalition in a state that currently does not have an active coalition (as referenced here: State Falls Prevention Coalitions), or
- Option B: Enhance an existing state falls prevention coalition to significantly improve and/or expand falls prevention activity on a statewide level.
Grantees that select Option A (Develop a coalition in a state that currently does not have an active coalition) will focus on building the foundation for an effective and sustainable state falls prevention coalition. Key activities will include:
- Recruiting a range of new members
- Establishing the coalition structure (e.g., leadership, committees, meeting cadence)
- Identifying the state’s priority falls prevention needs
- Creating a mission/vision, goals, and objectives; and
- Implementing short-term and planning long-term coalition activities that impact programs, practices, and policies to reduce falls risks among older adults in the state.
Grantees that select Option B (Enhance an existing state falls prevention coalition to significantly improve and/or expand falls prevention activity on a statewide and/or local level) will:
- Work to strengthen the coalition’s membership and functioning, addressing any existing challenges and ensuring its capacity to improve and expand state and/or local falls prevention activities; and
- Develop and conduct activities to improve and/or expand the coalition’s impact and reach statewide and in local communities. These grantees are encouraged to conduct targeted activities to identify gaps in services and barriers to accessing falls prevention interventions and develop strategies to address the identified gaps and barriers.
All grantees will be expected to:
- Build the capacity of the coalition by maintaining existing membership (if applicable), recruiting members, and engaging in strategic planning, coalition evaluation, sustainability, and/or other activities.
- Bring together a range of partners to collaboratively identify state and community falls prevention needs, develop and conduct activities to address priority needs, and build infrastructure, capacity, and sustainability.
- Collaborate within the aging network (e.g., area agencies on aging, senior centers, senior nutrition programs) and leverage infrastructure already in place to maximize the impact of falls prevention education, resources, and interventions with older adults.
- Reach older adults across the state.
- Conduct activities to increase awareness of and access to their state’s falls prevention services and programs.
- Work toward systems level change by impacting programs/practices, policies, and funding.
All grantees will be required to:
- Engage at least one area agency on aging and at least one older adult from the community who has fallen or is at risk of falling as part of their coalition membership.
- Develop a capstone product to disseminate their best practices and lessons learned to the state falls prevention coalition network.
- Achieve an active state coalition status by the end of the project period.
- Participate in technical assistance provided by NCOA and partners throughout the project period to support and strengthen coalition building, activities, and impact.
All applicants should review the RFP document below for complete details on grantee expectations and requirements.
Entities eligible to apply for this funding opportunity include domestic public or private nonprofit entities, including:
- Nonprofits having a 501(c)(3) status with the IRS other than institutions of higher education
- Nonprofits that do not have a 501(c)(3) status with the IRS other than institutions of higher education
- Public and state-controlled institutions of higher education, independent school districts, private institutions of higher education
- Native American tribal organizations (other than federally recognized tribal governments)
- Native American tribal governments (federally recognized)
- Public housing authorities/Indian housing authorities
- State governments
- Special district governments
- County, city, or township governments
- Faith-based organizations
- Community organizations
Individuals, for-profit organizations, and foreign entities are not eligible for this funding opportunity. If you have any questions about eligibility, please contact healthyaging@ncoa.org
Application timeline
Application portal opens |
Jan. 13, 2025, at 9 a.m. ET | Click here to apply! |
Information session |
View recording (passcode p1k+MOxy) |
Submission deadline |
Feb. 21, 2025, by 11:59 p.m. ET |
Notification of awardees |
March 31, 2025 |
Award project period |
April 15, 2025-Oct. 15, 2026 |
Request for proposals (RFP): State Falls Prevention Coalition Funding Opportunity
This RFP provides a detailed overview of the project background and goals, award information, and application process. All interested parties should review the RFP in detail.
Application materials
Interested parties must use the application materials below, also available in the RFP document, to complete the application requirements. Only applications submitted via the application portal will be accepted. Applications submitted via email, mail, or any other means will not be accepted.
How do I apply for the State Falls Prevention Coalition Funding Opportunity?
All applicants must electronically submit their application via the application portal. The application portal link will open on Jan. 13, 2025 at 9 a.m. ET.
The application deadline is Feb. 21, 2025, at 11:59 p.m. ET.
Applicants should log in to the application portal and familiarize themselves with the online application requirements well before the submission deadline. Please note that in the 24-hour period leading up to the application deadline, staff may not be able to assist all applicants with any system-related issues. Applicants are encouraged to submit their application well before the deadline so that any unforeseen difficulties or technical problems may be addressed in advance.
While late submissions will not be accepted, NCOA may choose, at its sole discretion, to extend the application deadline for all applicants. NCOA strives to give all applicants any support needed to successfully submit their application prior to the deadline. Submission is defined as all sections completed, marked finished, the application “submit” button used, and the application status shows “Submitted.”
Frequently asked questions
General FAQ
Will this funding opportunity be impacted by any federal executive orders?
NCOA is receiving guidance on any federal orders that may affect its work. If NCOA receives federal guidance that affects this funding opportunity, we will notify applicants and post a notification on this webpage.
Our organization would like to apply. What should we do first?
Review the RFP document in detail, then visit the application portal to begin the application process. We recommend using the Application Checklist, linked here and found in Appendix G of the RFP, to ensure you have completed all requirements for this funding opportunity.
Will you be holding an information session?
A virtual information session for this funding opportunity was held on Jan. 28, 2025. You can view the recorded session (passcode p1k+MOxy) and download the presentation slides. Questions from the information session are answered in this section, below.
Our state’s coalition is listed as “in development.” Which funding opportunity should we apply for?
State coalitions listed as “inactive” or “in development” on this list: State Falls Prevention Coalitions are eligible to apply under Funding Opportunity 1: Develop a coalition in a state that currently does not have an active coalition. Organizations applying to develop a coalition in a state that does not have an active coalition should connect with any contacts listed here: State Falls Prevention Coalitions if applicable.
Are county or regional coalitions eligible to apply or is this funding only for state coalitions?
This funding opportunity is for state falls prevention coalitions.
Can a local health department implement a state falls prevention coalition?
A range of entities, including state and county governments, are eligible to apply for this funding opportunity. Please refer to the Eligibility Information section of the RFP to confirm your organization’s eligibility.
We are interested in applying, but we are not a 501c3. Can we still apply?
A range of entities are eligible to apply for this funding opportunity. Please refer to the Eligibility Information section of the RFP to confirm your organization’s eligibility. Please note, individuals, for-profit organizations, and foreign entities are not eligible to apply.
Our state is listed as “in development” on the contact sheet, but we meet criteria to be considered an “active” coalition. Can we apply for Option B?
Please reach out to healthyaging@ncoa.org if you believe your state’s coalition status is listed incorrectly.
The contact information for our state coalition is listed incorrectly on the contact sheet.
Please reach out to healthyaging@ncoa.org if you believe your state coalition’s contact information is listed incorrectly.
We are interested in applying, but we know that another organization in our state is also submitting an application. Should we still apply?
Yes, multiple applications from different organizations within the same state can be submitted. If you are aware of another organization that intends to apply to this funding opportunity, we strongly recommend you collaborate with others in your state on a single application.
How can we determine if there are other organizations in our state that plan to apply for this funding opportunity?
If applicable, you should connect with any contacts for your state’s falls prevention coalition listed here: State Falls Prevention Coalitions. Additional inquiries about other organizations in your state applying for this funding opportunity can be directed to healthyaging@ncoa.org.
We are unable to get in touch with our state’s current state falls prevention coalition contact. How should we proceed?
If you are experiencing difficulty connecting with your state’s current falls prevention coalition contact, please reach out to healthyaging@ncoa.org for assistance.
Is there a deadline to submit the Letter of Interest?
While there is no deadline to submit the Letter of Interest (LOI), we encourage applicants to do so at their earliest convenience. Applicants will not be able to access the full application until the LOI has been successfully submitted.
What are the funding opportunity selection criteria?
Selection criteria are outlined in the RFP document on this webpage.
What if our coalition is “inactive” or “in development” by the end of the grant period?
Selected grantee organizations must maintain or achieve an active state coalition status by the end of the project period. Active coalition status includes: established leadership; committed, varied membership that regularly attends meetings; open membership for new members; established schedule of assembly and meeting structure; a clearly defined focus on falls prevention; specific goals and objectives; knowledge of state resources and needs related to falls prevention, ongoing involvement in activities to raise awareness of and increase access to falls prevention programs.
What resources do you recommend around coalition development?
The following are sources of information and additional content related to building, maintaining, and implementing coalitions.
- Tom Wolff & Associates
- The Community Toolbox at the University of Kansas
- A Practical Guide to State Coalition Building to Address a Growing Public Health Issue (2015)
Additional coalition building and maintenance resources are available in Appendix E of the RFP.
What resources do you recommend around grant writing?
The following are useful resources for grant writing.
- Grant Writing Basics
- Succeed at Grant Proposals: Have a Plan and a Process
- How to Successfully Write Competitive Grants as a Community-Based Organization
We are interested in applying, but we know that another organization in our state is also submitting an application. Should we still apply?
Yes, multiple applications from different organizations within the same state can be submitted. If you are aware of another organization that intends to apply to this funding opportunity, we strongly recommend you collaborate with others in your state on a single application.
Who can I contact if I have questions?
Please email healthyaging@ncoa.org with any questions regarding the State Falls Prevention Coalitions funding opportunity.
Application Submission FAQs
Do applications have to be submitted electronically?
Yes, all applicants must submit their application electronically via the application portal. No hard copy applications or attachments will be accepted.
Are the application questions available outside of the application itself or do you have to create a profile in the application portal to see each section?
The application questions are listed in the RFP document on this webpage for reference and planning purposes. However, applicants must create a profile in the application portal and complete the letter of interest form to access the application questions in the portal.
Does the letter of interest have to be submitted before the application?
Yes, the letter of interest must be submitted in the application portal to access the full application.
Can I save my work while filling out the application?
When writing your application, we strongly recommend that you draft your responses in a Word document and then copy and paste the responses into the online application form. You can save the application before submitting, and we advise that you save your application draft frequently.
Can an organization submit more than one application?
No, an applicant organization cannot submit more than one application. Applicants must select one of two options for their application: a) develop a state falls prevention coalition in a state that currently does not have an active coalition, or b) enhance an existing state falls prevention coalition.
Organizations applying to initiate a state falls prevention coalition in state that currently does not have an active coalition must confirm that their state is listed as inactive or in development here: State Falls Prevention Coalitions.
Organizations applying to enhance an existing state falls prevention coalition must work with the organization listed as the contact or lead for that state’s falls prevention coalition as listed here: How to Contact Your State's Falls Prevention Coalition.
How do I complete the budget template?
Provide a budget for your proposed project that reflects the resources required to carry out the activities described in the narrative and work plan. It must include travel for one person to the Age+Action Conference to be held in May 2025 and May 2026 in Arlington, Virginia. Applicants must use the budget template linked here and instructions provided in Appendix A of the RFP.
How do I create a budget narrative?
Provide a budget narrative that provides descriptions of the items included in the budget. Applicants must use the budget narrative template linked here and instructions provided in Appendix B of the RFP.
What should the Work Plan include?
Provide a work plan that includes goals, objectives, key activities, lead personnel responsible for carrying out activities, and a timeline for the 18-month grant period. Ensure that the work plan reflects the activities described in your application responses and illustrated in the budget plan and narrative. Applicants must use the work plan template linked here and instructions provided in Appendix C of the RFP.
In addition to the application, what other materials will I need to submit?
Applicants must upload several required documents in addition to completing all short answer sections in the narrative application. A complete list of the documents that applicants are required to upload is available on the Application Checklist linked here and found in Appendix G of the RFP.
Grant Specification FAQ
If selected as a grantee, what technical assistance will we receive to support our project?
Selected grantees will receive technical assistance from NCOA and partners that will include bi-monthly one-on-one calls and cohort meetings, annual in-person training, and provision of tools and resources. Consultants with coalition expertise will join technical assistance offerings as needed.
We are interested in applying, but we will not be able to start work on this project until Summer 2025. Can we still apply?
Selected grantees must begin work immediately after receiving a notice of grant award on March 31, 2025. If you will be unable to commit to this timeframe, please refrain from submitting an application.
How may grant funds be used?
Organizations must use the full amount of the award for the purposes set forth in their proposal. These funds may not be used for the following purposes:
- To influence any member of Congress, State, or local legislator to favor or oppose any legislation or appropriation with respect to this agreement.
- For publicity or propaganda purposes, for the preparation, distribution, or use of any kit, pamphlet, booklet, publication, radio, television, or film presentation designed to support or defeat legislation pending before the Congress or state and local legislatures.
- To pay the salary or expenses of any grant or contract recipient, or agent acting for such recipient, related to any activity designed to influence legislation or appropriation pending before Congress or state and local legislatures.
- For construction and/or rehabilitation of buildings.
Are there reporting requirements?
Grantees will be required to provide brief monthly progress reports, semi-annual reports, and a final report. The semi-annual and final reports must be accompanied by a financial report.
- Monthly reports that briefly summarize accomplishments and challenges will be due by the 15th of each month
- Semi-annual reports will be due on Oct. 15, 2025, and April 15, 2026
- The final report will be due on Oct. 15, 2026
How is NCOA involved in falls prevention?
NCOA is funded by the Administration for Community Living (ACL) to lead the first dedicated funding opportunity designed to cultivate state falls prevention coalitions. NCOA has been a leader in falls prevention for over 20 years and has a strong history of involvement in efforts to reduce falls and fall-related injuries in older adults. Since 2006, NCOA has provided essential support for state falls prevention coalitions. Since no single organization can address all aspects of falls prevention, coalitions enable organizations and providers in a given area to unite their expertise and resources to reduce falls, identify state or community needs, recommend policy changes, and build capacity. This funding opportunity will provide continued support for state coalitions working to promote effective strategies to address falls in their communities.
This project is supported by the Administration for Community Living (ACL), U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) as part of a financial assistance award totaling $2,5000,000 with 100 percent funding by ACL/HHS. The contents are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent the official views of, nor an endorsement, by ACL/HHS, or the U.S. Government.