A Visit with Our Transition Academy Friends
1 min read

NISC Programs of Excellence
- Year Awarded: 2023
- Programs of Excellence Name: A Visit with Our Transition Academy Friends
- Hosting Organization: Berlin Senior Center, Connecticut
- Berlin Population: 20,107
- 60+ Population: 5,700
- Senior Center Members: 1,300
About A Visit with Our Transition Academy Friends
What started as a collaboration between two different age groups resulted in a wonderful, ongoing friendship.
The Central CT Transition Academy, part of the Berlin School District, is supports students in transition from high school to adult life through classroom and community-based experiences that build on a student's interests and abilities, with the goal of independence in work and daily living. The Transition Academy had purchased a large washer and dryer as part of their life skill lessons.
The academy reached out to the senior center to see if they knew of any older adults in the community who might need help with their laundry. The center did not but at the time was conducting a blanket drive for shelters in the area for individuals who were homeless. The senior center asked the academy if they would launder the blankets before the center donated them.
The academy laundered the 260 blankets the senior center collected and donated. The senior center arranged a trip for their members to visit the students at the academy. The students and senior center members started the day with a painting class and then enjoyed a luncheon prepared by the students. The senior center members raved about the food!
The following month, the seniors reciprocated by inviting the students to the senior center for an afternoon of lunch and Wii bowling. Even though the participants might change each year, the relationship between the groups will endure.
Key takeaways from A Visit with Our Transition Academy Friends:
- This "win-win" situation gives older adults a chance to better understand youth and gives students a chance to gain wisdom from older adults.
- Because of this relationship, the senior center has created new relationships with other groups of students from Berlin High School, including students from the Berlin High School Interact Club (Rotary Club) writing birthday cards to senior center participants, providing goody bags for senior center bingo, and helping set up and clean up at the senior center's large entertainment program.
- Through these interactions, both of these populations are getting more exposure to each other and learning that some of the assumptions they have about each other are not true. Bottom line: they are having fun, and they are socializing—both very important for healthy aging.
About the Berlin Senior Center
The Berlin Senior Center provides information and assistance to aduilts 60+ and their family members and caregivers, connecting them to state and local resources. Offerings include health & fitness, recreational, and social programs, daily transportation services, and a daily nutrition program is offered which including a congregate meal at the center and meal delivery. The intake site for the Fuel Assistance program and the AARP Free Tax Aide, the center "is committed to offering an open and welcoming space to everyone."