Bridging the Benefits Gap: NCOA to Study Successful Enrollment Practices for Older Adults
2 min read

Simona Combi
Public Relations Manager
Jan. 7, 2024, Arlington, VA—The National Council on Aging (NCOA), the national voice for every person’s right to age well, has received a $250,000, one-year grant from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation to examine what contributes to high enrollment rates of older adults in benefits programs in Miami-Dade County, Florida, and Duval County, Texas.
Through this work, NCOA seeks to understand what is working in two counties that enroll exceptionally high percentages of older adults in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), Supplemental Security Income (SSI), and Medicare Savings Programs (MSP):
Miami-Dade County |
50% |
90% |
79% |
Duvall County |
43% |
83% |
100% |
National rates |
30% |
49% |
46% |
“It’s heartbreaking to see that millions of eligible older adults who could really use this help are not enrolled in these programs,” said Ramsey Alwin, NCOA president and CEO.
We want to see what these two counties have done to generate such high enrollment rates, so other counties and states can replicate their success together with local providers and federal policymakers.”
SNAP helps participants afford food, SSI provides monthly cash assistance for older adults and people with disabilities, and the MSPs help people with Medicare pay for their health care costs. Often, these programs can be the difference between an older adult having to choose between food or medicine each month.
NCOA will produce and disseminate a best-practices report with recommendations for county, state, and federal policymakers as well as community-based organizations, which they can use to help more older adults enroll in public benefits programs.
NCOA’s Benefits Participation Map, an interactive tool that shows county-level data for enrollment in these key programs, reveals wide variations across counties when it comes to how many eligible older adults are receiving these valuable benefits. Nationwide, almost 9 million eligible older adults are not enrolled in SNAP, 2.3 million are not enrolled in SSI, and almost 5.8 million are not enrolled in MSP.
“The effectiveness of the social safety net in reducing hardship depends to no small degree on adequate outreach and the simplification of enrollment. We are excited to support NCOA in its effort to lift up best practices to increase take-up of important benefits among older adults,” said Katherine Hempstead, PhD, Senior Policy Adviser, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation.
About NCOA
The National Council on Aging (NCOA) is the national voice for every person’s right to age well. Working with thousands of national and local partners, we provide resources, tools, best practices, and advocacy to ensure every person can age with health and financial security. Founded in 1950, we are the oldest national organization focused on older adults. Learn more at and @NCOAging.