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Evidence-Based Program: Manejo personal del crónico (CPSMP in Spanish) (Online, Synchronous)

Manejo personal del crónico (adapted Chronic Pain Self-Management Program) online and synchronous, is an interactive group workshop delivered in Spanish language via Zoom or similar virtual platform for those living with chronic pain such as arthritis, backpain, neck pain, headache, or pelvic pain. Participants learn the skills to manage their pain on day to day basis: exercise, healthy eating, cognitive pain management. as well as how to deal with such concerns as fatigue, sleep problems, difficult emotions, weight loss, communicating with family, friends, and coworkers. Core self-management skills taught include action planning, problem solving and decision making.

  • Target audience: Spanish-speaking adults, 18 years and older, living with chronic pain.
  • Health outcomes:
    • Less pain: (Improved quality, problem, severity)
    • Other outcomes:  (Less depression, less dependency, increased self-efficacy, improved in role behaviors and life satisfaction)
  • Delivered by: 2 trained peer facilitators
  • Program type: Group
  • Format: Interactive virtual groups using Zoom or similar platforms
  • Length: 6 weekly, 2.5-hour sessions
  • Training: In-person or virtual
  • Professional required: No
  • Accessibility adaptations available: Yes
  • Cultural adaptations available: Yes. This program is culturally adapted from CPSMP but is not a direct translation
  • Available in languages other than English: Spanish, Canadian French
  • Topic(s):
    • Medication Management
    • Nutrition
    • Pain Management
    • Physical Activity
  • ContactContact the Self-Management Resource Center

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