Key Takeaways

  • ACL Falls Prevention Grantees can use this template to emphasize to partners and workshop facilitators the importance of data collection. 

  • The presentation provides instructions on how to submit the data collection forms and more. 

  • Presentation materials include a PowerPoint template and script.

Alongside the Administration for Community Living (ACL)/Administration on Aging (AoA) and NCOA, Falls Prevention Grantees use their grants to increase the number of older adults and adults with disabilities at risk of falls to participate in evidence-based community programs to reduce falls and falls risks. In addition, Grantees implement innovative funding arrangements to support evidence-based falls prevention program(s) both during and beyond the grant period; and, embed program(s) into an integrated, sustainable evidence-based prevention program network via centralized, coordinated processes.

With this a presentation template (updated in 2019), Falls Prevention Grantees can emphasize to partners and workshop facilitators the importance of data collection and to provide instructions about how to submit data collection forms.

The presentation covers the following topics:

  •  ACL/AoA Falls Prevention Grant Goals and Anticipated Results
  • Importance of Collecting Data
  • Data Collection Terminology and Forms
  • Instructions for Submitting Data Forms to Grantee
  • Maximizing Complete and Accurate Data
  • Participant Demographics and Program Outcomes Reports
  • Resources


.pptx - 1Mb
