In February 2019, NCOA and Lyft enlisted the help of three nationally accredited senior centers to creatively implement a Lyft ridesharing pilot into their current transportation program. To engage, educate, and encourage center members and socially isolated community members to try out ridesharing options.
Each site received technical training to implement Lyft features. They hosted educational sessions on the use of Lyft Ridesharing, marketed transportation options to participants and created innovative methods to successfully implement the ridesharing program at their senior center.
Here are some of the resources they developed and a toolkit for you to implement ridesharing at your senior center.
- Ridesharing Implementation Toolkit
- Step-by-Step Ridesharing Participant Guide
- Smart Phone Class Slides
- PowerPoint Template for Lyft Ridesharing Educational Class
If you have any questions, please email NISC Member Services.