Improving the Lives of 40 Million Older Adults by 2030
Everyone deserves to age well. Learn about our work, the people we serve, and the impact we're having together.
Our Mission
Aging well for all is a matter of equity. A matter of dignity. And a matter of justice.
NCOA delivers the resources, tools, best practices, and advocacy our nation needs to ensure that every person can age with health and financial security.
Our Impact
For almost 75 years, NCOA has built bridges for change alongside generations of families, ensuring their economic, health, and social well-being.
Our Equity Promise
We believe aging well is something every American deserves—regardless of gender, color, sexuality, income, or ZIP code.
For every $1 raised, 93¢ goes directly into NCOA programs.
- $588M
in public assistance applications submitted
- $45M
awarded to community-based organizations
- 42,400
people participated in chronic disease and falls prevention workshops
- 35,000
professionals participated in e-learning
Partners Make it Possible
NCOA is your partner to improve the lives of older adults. We work with corporate partners and foundations to educate nationally and activate locally, so we all can live with dignity and independence.
Want to build awareness for an issue important to your organization?
Join Our Movement
We advise policymakers, empower community-based organizations, and deliver the resources, tools, best practices, and advocacy our nation needs to ensure that every person can age with health and financial security.
What Women Say About Retirement
With years of earning less and taking time off for caregiving, women enter retirement at a major disadvantage. Read the results of NCOA's research that finds half of U.S. women ages 25+ are struggling financially today, and 90% or more support bipartisan policy solutions to help.