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You can help to build a better future for older adults
Ed is an optimistic gentleman who, at age 83, believed “retirement will kill me.” He worked as a licensed pharmacist part-time, but when Ed got COVID, he had to stop working.
Without a steady income, he couldn’t pay his mortgage or purchase necessities. He reached out to an NCOA community partner – one of our 90 benefit enrollment centers nationwide – where frontline staff worked with Ed one-on-one to personalize his options. The team helped him apply for and enroll in local housing support and federal food assistance or SNAP benefits. Ed got some financial breathing room as he recuperated and set his sights on getting back to work.
For every $1 raised, 93¢ goes directly into NCOA programs.
- $31M
older adult lives improved.
- $45M
awarded to community-based organizations.
- 10,000
senior center partners providing essential services for older adults.
- 4,500
individuals provided with one-the-job training.